
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Sun Angles

I caught Hugo yesterday for another ride.  The last 3 times I have gone to catch him he has walked away some, but eventually stopped and turned toward me and let me catch him.  A huge improvement over having to run him into the barn and running him around for 20 minutes before he would stop.  Progress!
Anyway, the sun was hitting his hair and making it look iridescent.  I thought that it looked pretty cool. You can even see some purple spots in the black. 
We had a good ride.  
And with the sun angle, a good shadow.  
The cows were unimpressed with our passing by.  Hugo was also good for me to get off several times for the gates.  No more jumping sideways.  I guess I just gave him too much time off.
Then when I went to feed the dogs, Maggie was enjoying the sunshine next to a large oak tree. 
And I turned around in time to see the horses galloping up the hill with the sun highlighting their manes and tails.  
What a beautiful world.  

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Love the backlit horses.
    Glad that Hugo is cooperating.
