
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Sadie and Allie Weekend

I didn’t get them both at once, just one at a time.
Allie was first on Saturday.  She stayed with me while Virginia took Sadie to the library and did some errands. While I was reading a book to her she fell asleep and slept for 1 1/2 hours.  It seems like most of her time with me is spent sleeping.  She probably needs to catch up after being with Sadie so much.  
We did have some activity time.  And no, she is not levitating.  Check out the video for the full context. 

She is really getting strong.

I got Sadie today after her church for an Easter egg hunt and a potluck at my church.  She ended up with a basket full of eggs even after being somewhat sidetracked by just picking up purple ones at the start.
Then she won the drawing for her age group for the grand prize, a $30 gift card to Walmart.  She has no concept of was a gift card is but I told Virginia to get Sadie  and Allie something she ordinarily wouldn’t and to not just spent it on groceries.  Sadie did stand near the bunny for their picture with the winners.  She said it was just a costume.   On the way back to the car she said, “my neck is tired from looking for eggs!”
When we got home she wanted to open all of her eggs.
       It was quite the haul.  But then to take it home, she put everything back into the eggs again. 

The weather was nice enough to catch Otoelene and go for a ride.  She still has no fear which is starting to worry me a little.  I need to be able to teach her a healthy respect without making her scared.  It could be a fine line. 
But for now, everything is going well and Otoelene continues to be a dream with her.
At least as long and the treats keep coming. 
Then it was time to pick some flowers.
She really liked the Yoshino cherry trees.
Then she spent a relaxing 30 minutes in the swing, without having to take turns with Allie.  Allie, on the other hand got to go furniture shopping. 
Divide and conquer was the theme of the weekend.


  1. One way to teach respect around horses is to start implementing rules. Anything from walk don't run, to exactly where they are allowed to approach the horse. Looks Like Sadie is a very organized child so rules should work good for her.
    Otolene is a gem.

  2. I think Shirley has an excellent idea about setting rules. I agree that rules should work well for Sadie.

    How funny that Sadie wanted to put all the candy back in all the eggs before taking them home.

    It looks like the divide and conquer weekend worked well for everyone.
