
Monday, April 22, 2024

In Bloom At The 4Rs

Sadie hasn’t picked all of my flowers yet.  I still have a few to share.
The apple trees have been full of blooms.
I hope this means lots of apples later.
The clematis is prettier than it has ever been.

I love how large the blooms are.

I have some pink tulips,
and some very dark purple.  I know some people treat tulips like annuals, but these have been coming back for years.  Maybe I can remember to plant more this fall.
To continue with the purple theme, the columbines I planted last year are doing great.
They are loving the rock garden. 
As is the candy tuff.
This rock foil is a new addition this year.  I need to check out the clearance rack a Lowe’s and see if they have any creeping phlox.  I think that would look nice in the rocks.
And speaking of the rock garden, the eastward expansion phase is completed. I ended up adding about 5-6 feet which amounted to about 20 more rocks and 20 more trips up and down the hill dragging my snow sled.  I might be done for now, at least until I decide to expand southward.


  1. The Clematis photo with the bee on the flower you should frame and submit to Chautauqua photo contest!!

  2. I think Jordan has a good idea. That was an especially nice photo.
    What beautiful flowers. The expansion on the rock garden looks great. I hope you have a bumper crop of apples.
