
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Goat Turnout

The goats are pretty much done kidding.  There could be a straggler or two but for the most part they are finished.  It was time to turn them out.
Joe and I took on the task by ourselves yesterday.  The roundup went the smoothest ever.
And everyone went into the barn lot without issue.  I caught all of the kids one at a time and Joe banded the buckling.  
Next, we took the nannies in groups of 15, crowded them in the chute and dewormed them.  With all that completed, we turned them out to the rest of the farm.  The nannies took off running.  They were so happy to have something different to eat.  Later they did come back for the kids.   They have been looking a lot fuller the last two evenings.  Another spring chore done.


  1. Since I'm a long time fan of this blog you might think I should be up to speed on the lingo. But alas I'm not. First up you got me with "banded the buckling" (Duckduckgo helped clear that up). And then there was "crowed them in the chute" referring to nannies (duckduckgo was not helpful with that one - after using some quotes it returned a link to this very blog post - too bad this comment process won't let me show you a screen grab of that :)

  2. Sounds like it went the way it should! Nice to get them out and about.
