
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sadie and Allie Saturday

Sadie and Allie came over Saturday afternoon. 

Sadie thought the flowers needed watering before we started picking them.  Glad she knows they need some taking care of and it is not all just picking.
Finding bunny rabbits has become part of flower picking now.  If something isn’t done about them we might run out of flowers.  They have been busy eating them.

 I think Sadie looks like a child model. It is so easy to get a good picture. 
Allie on the other hand, barely stands still long enough to get a picture. 
Next, Sadie wanted to go ride horses.  Allie stayed with Virginia at the house.  Sadie wanted to give the horses a treat before riding rhis time  

She loves using her sparkle brush.  She also loves wearing dresses.  But a long dress may not be appropriate riding attire. I might have to get her a side saddle.   She did wear cowboy boots though.

I pulled out the purple show pad and she liked that it matched her helmet.  Otoelene was a dream, and completely sound for a three year old to ride around in the barn. 
Afterwards, Sadie wanted to lead her back to the field.
Allie arrived about that time and after some screaming did manage to touch Otoelene. 

Yet another model photo. 
And what’s a visit to Mimi’s house without feeding some baby goats.  
Sadie was taking a treat to the grownup goats too.
Allie got in the field but would not get close to the goats.  They are getting chickens soon.  Hopefully, those won’t scare her.   Sadie wanted to spend the night.  Since she hasn’t stayed in awhile I said sure.  
A little more spoiling with a trip to CJ’s Pizza, then it was time for bed when we got home.  It will be another full day Sunday.


  1. Hahaha the look on Allie's face about the goats! Big sisters are a hard act to follow, as I well know being a #2 child.
    They really do take lovely photos though. Lovely little ladies.

  2. What a great comment from Shirley :)

    Sadie's fearlessness with all the animals is striking. That photo of Allie with the bottle - oh my.

    What a nice time with the grandchildren :)
