
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Word Of The Day, Passel

Mike came to help us work a larger group of cow/calf pairs this morning.
Cows got one shot and dewormed/de ticked.
Calves got two shots, dewormed/de ticked and an ear notch. 
At one point when we were trying to get the calves in the barn,  Mike asked something.  I can’t remember the question but Joe’s response was “ there is already a passel of calves in there.  Mike said, what’s a passel?

 Passel, a large group of people or things of indeterminate number; a pack.   Later I asked Virginia if she had ever heard the word.  She said yes.  I asked her to use it in a sentence.  “It is a hassle to feed the goats.”  I said no, passel not hassle.  She decided she had never heard the word.  So there you have it, passel, word of the day.


  1. I feel certain if either Virginia or Mike had had a "heaping helping" of the Beverly Hillbillies they would have known the word.
