
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Wildflower Walk

Otoelene and I headed out yesterday morning. 
It wasn’t terribly early but it was still coolish.
I think Otoelene’s favorite flower of the day was the chicory.  In the morning the blooms are a beautiful blue. By the afternoon they are gone. Horses find the plant quite tasty. 
We rode by some pretty, wild black eyed Susan’s. 
They were much nicer than what is in my flower garden. Last year I threatened to dig them up but they had a good year and bloomed well. This year they were back to being all black center and no pretty petals.  So this year I am taking at least half of them out. 
I saw some bell flowers. 
And this leather flower vine. It’s a member of the clematis family. 
Apparently, this moth mullein is an invasive species from North Africa. 
I have always liked the name of this flower, viper’s bug loss. 
I never really thought about a wild version of bee balm being right here.  Maybe I will see about moving some to my flower garden. 
And not a flower but I thought I would leave you with a smile. 



  1. Haha - is that a happy face tree bark?

    Thanks for the wildflower tour. I never knew the name for that blue flower when I was growing up. At some point I heard someone say it was blue cone flower which I see is not the correct name either. I'm happy to find out it is chicory. Sadly, I can't say I could have named any of the other flowers you showed (well maybe I would have guessed black eyed susan :)

  2. C- sometimes Chickory is called cornflower, no idea why. The root is supposed to make a good coffee substitute once it's roasted.
    I was thinking of doing a wildflower hike here, I know we have wild strawberries and I may have to check the riverbanks to see what else there is. Except we are back in a heat wave.

  3. Thanks Shirley. I see I wrote blue cone flower but I meant to say blue corn flower. It is interesting to hear that maybe there was some reason someone told that me that name. Interesting fact about the root. I hope you were able to go on your own wildflower hike :)
