
Monday, August 19, 2024

Bulls And Fences

Joe came back after checking the cows and said the fence was down near where we had just fixed it last week. 
Two bulls were on the creek side with the cows and one bull was on the uphill side with the heifers.  They were probably fighting through the fence, broke off a post and one of the cow bulls ended up on the other side. 

It was nothing but a rock pile. It took Joe over half an hour to dig the post hole. Needless to say, he wasn’t in the best mood after that. 
But the fence looked better after he was done. 

Then this evening, checking on a different group of heifers, Joe found a gate off the hinges where a bull with the heifers and a bull in the bull lot were fighting. After rehanging the gate we just moved the bull that was with the heifers back into the bull lot.  Maybe tomorrow there won’t be any fences that need fixing. 


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