
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Here's What's Blooming

Trying to catch a time to take flower pictures between rain storms has been challenging.  Here are a few things that are blooming at my house.  
I was going to use this picture of an Allium in front of the fence for Friday's Fences yesterday but didn't get around to it.
 These snow drops came from an old home site on one of  our farms.  Someone told me recently that they have never seen ones this big.
 This old fashioned iris is the first one to bloom.
 Poppies are beautiful but I have to work hard to keep them from spreading everywhere 
 This is the first year that this clematis has bloomed this nicely.  It is really stunning.
The scent from this Carolina Allspice/Strawberry Bush/Bubby Bush, is heavenly.
What's blooming at your house.


  1. You've got some beautiful bloomers right now! I'm sure you're glad for the rain, but some sunshine would surely be welcome soon...from you and your flowers! :)
    The spring flowers are really starting to pop here...but we're to get frost this weekend too, so I hope they don't suffer!
