
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Just Kit Sunday #13

First off, Happy Mother's Day.  I love you Mama.  
 After talking last week about putting things on Kit like "Things on my Rabbit", I decided that just wasn't Kit's style.  So I've decided to try and put Kit "in" things.  This week he is sitting "in" the barn window.
 To make it more interesting, I tried playing with the color.  My guess is that sister C will like this blue one best.
 I like how he has a halo effect.
But I do have an attraction to pink.

Yellow seems to be the hardest one to come up with.  Look out Andy Warhol, here comes Kit.    


  1. Looks like it was a lovely Mother's Day! Being my first year at college this was my first Mother's Day without my mom. It really made me appreciate how much she does for me and the rest of my family and how selfless mothers are. They truly do show unconditional love. It also made me even more ready to go home for the Summer.
