
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ice And Aggravation

We woke up this morning to find everything covered in a thick layer of ice. 
 It is continuing to rain and so far we have accumulated about 1/4 inch of ice.
 It is making everything just a little more difficult.
 The net wrap is frozen to the hay bales.
 J gave up trying to unwrap it and just cut it.
 But it still didn't want to let go.  It took a couple of inches of hay with it. 
 Not wanting to leave it and risk the cattle ingesting it, J picked it up with the spear and carried it to the barn.  Once it thaws he can wad it up and throw it away.  Just 4 more bales to go. 
At least it makes for some pretty pictures. 


  1. The ice is certainly making J's life harder - poor thing.

    Nice photo of the berries and ice.

  2. Yep, it's official, Mother Nature sucks.
    Great photos though - my favourite is the wire fence connector.
