
Friday, January 18, 2019

Winter Break

E took advantage of her long winter break to head to Florida.  Her and and friend set out to camp their way to the Florida Keys and back.  They stopped in Savannah and Charleston before making it to the Everglades.  Aunt A had set up a wonderful adventure with Roger Hammer,  an award-winning professional
naturalist, author, botanist and photograper. (from his web page HERE
E and Friend Everglades

American Avocet
 E was able to get lots of great wildlife photos.

Key Deer

 She really enjoyed the variety of fresh fruits at the Robert Is Here roadside stand.  I think she also enjoyed camping out in the National Forest and other various campgrounds.
Wild Man with Wildlife 
I think it was a very economical way to travel and get a different perspective of our country.

1 comment:

  1. Thank E for the lovely pictures.

    "wild man with wildlife" - loved that caption

    No alligator pix?
