
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Second Group Weaned

J and I spent our New Year's Day with E sorting and weaning calves. 
 We started with the big roundup.  J already had them in the field behind the house so it really wasn't much trouble from there.
 The barnlot was muddy but it's been worse.  E helped with the sorting while J was at the gate deworming the cows as we cut them out.
 Then the same with the calves.
   E and I worked them back the the gate for J to squirt with the dewormer.
 Then the cows got turned out into another field while the calves went back behind the house.  This way they still have some fence line contact which is supposed to make the weaning less stressful.  I have still been hearing plenty of bawling at night though. 
Then we moved some feed troughs into the field to start getting the calves onto grain.  We have one more group to wean, maybe this weekend depending on the weather.


  1. Our first calf of the year is due mid-February & hope to have her up into a stall in the barn to calve because our winters don't look anything like yours!

  2. What a "celebration" for new years. I'm sure you were glad to have E's help.
