
Monday, March 11, 2019

Horse Interactions

V and M came to visit for the day yesterday.  While M when out to help J with farm chores, V helped me with the horses for the farrier.  
 She caught her old steed Jessica for me.  She can sometimes be a little tricky, but she let V get her right away.  I now have new shoes on 4 horses.  Just waiting for some good weather. 
E is here for a few days on Spring Break.  This was her amount of horse interaction.  She went on a birding hike, walked past Pep, petted her nose, and went on. 
I, on the other hand, rode both Draper and Ototelene.  Finally, a day with no rain, temperature in the 60's but 30 mph winds.  At least I have a nice barn.

1 comment:

  1. E's horse seems more interested than E.

    I'm sure you were happy to get a chance to ride.
