
Friday, March 8, 2019

What's A Gabion?

To counteract the bad weather depression, I have been watching gardening shows on Netflix.  I have learned that Monty Don is a beloved gardener in England.  He is the host of "Big Dreams, Small Spaces,"  a very interesting British gardening show where homeowners transform their small backyards over the course of months.  I have also seen several of the episodes employ the use of a gabion as a retaining wall.  
 So, to answer the question, a Gabion is a wirework container filled with rock, broken concrete, or other material, used in the construction of dams, retaining walls, etc.  
 Just what I need to repair the small retaining wall that I built several years ago at the edge of my garden.  It was getting pretty ratty looking. 
 J had all the supplies that I needed, old bent metal cattle panels, bolt cutters and galvanized wire.  The old wall and rest of the farm are providing the rocks. 
 My original plan had the gabion at 18 inches, but once in place I decided that it was too tall. 
   So out came the bolt cutters and I went down to 12 inches.  I think this is a much more pleasing height.  Plus it requires me to pick up fewer rocks.
I am waiting for another break in the weather to finish the last section.  I have the basket made but the ground has frozen again and I can't get the area leveled until it warms up again.  There will probably be some more rearranging of the rocks on top to make it comfortable for sitting.  Then I have to decide what to do for the pathway under the pergola. 


  1. Impressive. Looks great. I agree with the shorter wall choice. I think Monty Don would love it.

  2. That looks very nice. What a great batch of flat rocks. Natural rocks here (pick them every year, their relatives come up the next!) are mostly lime or quartz and irregular, lumpy, enormous.

  3. I'm going t have to see if we get that show. Your wall looks great!

  4. gabion is wire cage or mesh filled with rocks and/or gravel to create a wall of some sort. This wall can, in turn, be used to create a fence, retaining wall
