
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Saddle Fail

The day after Christmas I came home from work to find this...
 Well, I always find Kit Kat, but the saddle was something new.  J had talked about buying me a saddle for Christmas and we had looked at some.  He brought this one home for me to try out.  I wanted a wide saddle for Otoelene.  None of my current ones are wide enough for her fat self, and put too much pressure over her shoulders. (as is evident from the dry spots there after I ride.  A dry spot means there was too much pressure to allow the skin to sweat.)
 This was a used Circle Y., Martha Jose barrel saddle. 
 It was very comfortable.
And I thought it looked pretty nice on Otoelene. 
 The rigging was a little different than what I am use to, but I figured it out. 
J looked pretty good in it too.  But the problem was, it wasn't a wide tree saddle.  I have seen saddles rock on other people's horses but never had one of mine do it until this one. 
You can sort of see how the back of the saddle pops up.  It was even worse at the canter.  When I rode her, the trot was ok, but I could feel my seat being lifted up more and coming down harder on her back at the lope.  Then, after I got her sweaty, there was a huge dry spot (meaning too much pressure) all along the tree.  So, back to the store it went.  When I told the salesperson the problem, he said I probably didn't need a wide tree then.  But then he remeasured the saddle and said, "well, this isn't a wide tree after all."  So now it is back to the drawing board.  Nothing seems to workout for me the first time it seems.


  1. That is some inside baseball saddle talk.

  2. Barrel saddles ride different don't they? I am having saddle fit woes now too. I need full quarter horse bars now that Gussie is back to her normal self; her body type has always been wide but when I bought her back she had no muscle tone and my Wade fit her fairly well; now it is too tight in the center of the saddle. At least you got to try that one out before buying.
    Happy New Year!
