
Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Lot Of Work Ahead

I don't know why, but somehow my daylilies keep getting run over.  So I have made an executive decision to move them over a bit.
Here is the before.   My plan is to take out the grass between the daylilies on the right and the peonies on the left, then move the daylilies over.  Then regravel the driveway, making it wider.
The orange cord is where I plan on moving them to.  The area behind the metal structure is full of peonies.   I have moved about 1/3 of them already, but finding somewhere to move them to has been a challenge.  It seems all my flowerbeds are full to overflowing. 
 I decided I liked the peonies better than the rose bush so I dug it up.  The root base was terrible.  J had to help with an ax.  It was a pain to keep trimmed, literally, those thorns were sharp.  And it attracted Japanese Beetles, so I think it is not much of a loss.
Now I will have even more peonies in this flowerbed.  The Christmas tree  branches are providing a little extra protection for the winter.  Next will be digging up a massive amount of daylilies and replanting them.  And I am positive there will be a ton leftover to figure out what to do with.


  1. We have a local lady who has a daylily garden, I think she supplies commercial growers. Last year she did some thinning and put piles of them on the side of the road with a "free" sign. I scored a few- I had to restrain myself form taking too many because I didn't want to dig a new flower bed!

  2. You have such a beautiful yard. Good luck with all that hard work - it does sound like it will work out better. Your peonies particularly are just spectacular.
