
Friday, April 10, 2020

April Fools

 My father's favorite April Fool's Day joke was to tell us it had snowed and there was no school.  That sent us running to the windows to check, only to be fooled and disappointed that we still had school.  Well, today is April Fool's Day 10 days late.
 I'm pretty sure the weather forecast wasn't mentioning this.
 Had I known, I might have covered the broccoli and cauliflower plants that I just set out.
 The hostas really don't like cold, so I'm sure those will be set back.

Enjoy the snow day.

1 comment:

  1. April 6 you have a post with beautiful spring weather and flowers but warn about May frosts. Now this quick turn around. Yikes! I hope your garden and yard did not suffer too much.
