
Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Kidding Field

According to the American Goat Society Gestation Calculator, our goats should start kidding April 14th. 
 So it was time to get them contained in the kidding field.
 They are use to running all over 230 acres.
 But that just won't do when the kidding starts.
 Goats are a lot easier to work with than the cattle.  J said he wouldn't mind being a goat herder if he didn't have so much other stuff to worry about.
 It's nice to have E home to help out when needed.  She just got a new camera so I am expecting so excellent pictures soon.
 Meanwhile, the goat drive continued through the woods,
 with a few last bites of brush.
68 head, present and accounted for.


  1. I'm catching up and I've already seen the next post. So congratulations all. Great timing on rounding up the nannies!!

  2. Oh and I wanted to say I'm looking forward to seeing some more wildlife pictures from E!
