
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Rainy Days and Coupon Sunday

 I rained 2.2 inches yesterday.  What better time than that to go to the playroom and look for a project.  

I decided to sort through my fabrics, 
And I came up with this assortment.  I am in love with the big floral print.  Now we will just have to wait to see what it turns into.  
And yes, you read right, coupon Sunday.  There was a Sunday only deal on Tresemme and Suave.  
The Tresemme worked out, 
But I was $2 off on the Suave.  I still can't figure out why it didn't work out right.  I think it was because the $2/$7 wouldn't attach with the $2/$6.  It would have been free too had that happened.  I really need to stop buying shampoo anyway.   I hope nobody is still paying full price for this stuff.

1 comment:

  1. A craft project - very exciting. I'm looking forward to see what his may turn into (I have an idea). Agree about the big floral print.

    first deal: 2 cents with tax 20 cents - crazy

    I feel your frustration on the second one but still a great deal.
