
Monday, September 21, 2020

More Life Yet

If you remember, we had some issues with Jessica last month HERE.  I ran some bloodwork on her which was all normal.  A few days later I lunged her in the barn and she was much more herself. 
So yesterday J wanted to try her out.  She was her usual spunky self in the barn while lunging, running has hard as she could and bucking.  She got a little sweaty but the temperature was 25 degrees cooler than August. 
Then we went for a ride around the farm. 
She way out walked Otoelene.  We had to keep trotting to catch up. 
But she was stubborn and didn't want to cross the creek.  
And after a pass through the gorge and through the cattle she was pretty uppity. 
The only problem was she was limping on her right front by the time we got back after riding for about an hour.  It wasn't consistent, there was no heat or swelling anywhere and her shoes are in good shape.  I guess we will just have to settle for rides closer to home with her for now. 
Then on a different but similar subject, I have been trying to keep my outdoor arena mowed so when the mood strikes it is ready for me to work with Draper.  It looks like it is calling now. 

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are cautiously optimistic for Jessica. I hope she keeps improving.
