
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Bee Disappointed

I have been checking on the bees all winter.  Every warm day there were always lots flying around.  When I would feed them, I could see lots in the hive.  
Then today when I walked by the hive I just saw flies.  That's not good. 
I took the hive apart and found all the bees dead. 
The frames were all empty, no brood, no honey, just empty comb.  I wasn't surprised about no honey because we had gotten them so late in the fall.  But no brood seems to mean that there was a queen failure.  I also never got around to doing the mite treatment and we had that windy 13 degrees last weekend.  Maybe it was a combination of everything.  It is a big disappointment. 


  1. Well that is a very sad outcome. You were slogging up hill with the late start but there was hope. I hope you will get another chance to set up a new colony in your hive.
