
Friday, April 8, 2022

Rough Day

A lot happened today.
The muddy calf from yesterday had not nursed.  We had to get the cow caught to get him to latch on.  
J was finally successful but did get pooped on which he hates.  We were able to turn the pair out into the barn lot and he was nursing on his own this evening. 
We had a group of cows and calve that we were wanting to turn out on new grass across the creek.  The cows went across but the calves didn't, then it rained and the creek got up.  This morning we worked on trying to get the calves across.  
There was a considerable amount of back and forth with the cows but I think they finally all made the trip across.  
Because daycare is still closed for the one covid case, I got Baby S again so V could actually get some work done.  Her working from home and babysitting wasn't going the greatest.  So this was a ray of sunshine today.  Maggie is much gentler than Zipper with Baby S.
She absolutely loves being outside even with the wind and cold and rain.  No new kids but we do have 2 nannies in the barn that looked close.  It is suppose to snow tonight.  Wonderful Spring weather. 
Then J found a cow that calved next to the creek. (different than the creek we were getting the calves across)  In the classic tale of Picking A Bad Calving Location, the calf ended up in the creek.  J said only its head was above the water.  He got it drug out getting his boots and feet wet in the process, another thing he really hates.  We went back with him while he tube fed it a colostrum supplement. 
Then, when we went to do the evening chores and checking, J saw a bull in with the heifers.  He was not suppose to be there.  It turned out to not even be our bull.  J got him sorted out but we couldn't get him turned into the barn lot. (I was packing Baby S in the body carrier) The bull turned back and busted through the wire gap back to the heifers.  
J ended up having to get a bat of hay to tow the whole bunch in. 
Now, not knowing what heifers might have been in heat, we will have to get them all up and Lutalyse them.  Did I mention that J still did all of his regular checking and feeding on top of all of this. 
 Still, we were able to celebrate V's birthday with some CJ's pizza and chocolate cake. 


  1. Oy! What a day! It's hard work being a pooped on, wet rancher!
    Happy birthday to V!

  2. Wow! There is always so much to do. Some parts we love, others not so much.

    The bull reminds me of another place I lived where we would often wake up to neighbors cows in our driveway. Usually 10 or 15 each time and always the same culprits....

    Thank you for commenting on my blog.

  3. J is a wonder. Happy Birthday to V. Love the photo of baby S facing the goat.
