
Friday, April 14, 2023

New Pasture

Today Joe wanted to move the cows that had already calved across the creek to new spring grass.  This will be one group he won’t have to feed hay to anymore.
And for the move, he requested some help on horse back.  He said he is a team player.  But I said he was a good team leader, giving his teammate jobs that were within my abilities.
 We had to head everyone uphill, making sure the calves went the right direction.
Then through a gate and down the other side of the hill into a smaller lot.

There we sorted out the cows that had not calved yet.  You can see that Joe had to leave his “horse” up the hill.  Otoelene was in her element having a job to do with the cattle.
The cows without calves went in with the rest that haven’t calved yet. 
And the cows with calves headed across the creek to new pasture.


  1. The best kind of day, doing a job a-horseback!
    Love the sideways ears :o)

  2. Good team leader :)

    I wondered about this line: "You can see that Joe had to leave his “horse” up the hill. "
    I could not tell what was up the hill - a four wheeler?

    The cows with calves crossed the creek - is that the pasture that had the terrible tick problem a while back?
