
Friday, June 7, 2024

Making Hay

Joe quit making hay over 10 years ago.  We buy all our hay now.  It is all round bales.  Occasionally, we will buy a load of square bales to have on hand for individual animals.  But for the last couple of years I have been making hay in the yard.
 I mow it into windrows so there isn’t as much raking.  
If it is good hay making weather it is usually ready to put up by the next day.  If it is not good weather it ends up being mulch for the garden.  I usually get a couple of 5 gallon buckets per cutting.  You may be wondering what I do with such a limited amount.

Baby goats of course.
They love it and I don’t have to use up our precious and expensive square bales feeding them.  When we have had a bottle calf in the past we would feed it to them also.  I imagine the nutritional content is pretty high considering how tender it is.  Waste not want not.