
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sadie Saturday Mt Rogers

Allie was a little sick so we decided to take Sadie for an outing. 

 Joe wanted to take her hiking to see the ponies at Mt Rogers.  

Unfortunately, my pictures downloaded in reverse order and I am too lazy to fix it.  So I will start with the end.


After the hike Sadie came back to our house. After super we fed the goats and dogs. 

She has really gotten brave around the dogs. 
When we started the hike Sadie just wanted to pick all of the flowers she saw.  We finally had to tell her she couldn’t pick any until we were headed back.  It was just too difficult to hold flowers and her hand to keep her from falling.   But as soon as we were back at the picnic area she went to collecting more flowers. 

We were lucky enough to see about 13 adult ponies and several foals.

It must have been nap time because all of the foals were sleeping.

The weather was beautiful.
As were the views. 
We took a little break for a snack. 

Joe was in his element.

At one point during the hike Sadie said “these rocks are really bumpy.”
We made it about 2 miles before turning around to go back.
Joe had backpacked Sadie some and I took a couple of turns at it too. 
But she walked a lot on her own, usually with me holding her hand.  We also saw some long horn cattle. 
Sadie liked trying to walk on all of the rocks instead of staying on the trail.  We kept trying to get her to not waste her energy climbing more rocks than she needed to but we finally gave up.  Sadie always seems to get what she wants anyway. 
When we got to the park we had a nice picnic lunch before heading up the mountain. 

Back at our house she was helping me in the yard and just randomly said, “I love you Mimi.”  She sure knows how to melt my heart. 


  1. Awww what a sweet moment! What a great outing for her- that's a long hike even with being piggybacked.

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed this post (even in reverse order). And what an ending (beginning) with the "I love you Mimi" - so touching. Great photos. The one of Joe stands out - looks like an advertisement but I'm not sure for what.
