Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Splints Are Off

It had been about 2 weeks since I put a splint on this ones right rear leg. 
I took it off last week and left him in the dog pen a few more days.  Since the other kid's broken leg happened a few days after this one I left his on until this weekend.  
Both are doing great and have been turned back out with the other 2 bottle goats.  Now they can pick what they want to eat outside and Joe and I don't have to forage for them anymore.  They are all eating a lot of grain too.  Maybe one of these days they will start to look like they are actually growing. 
Just wanted to share a pretty sunset too.  


Shirley said...

Glad they healed up well!
That is a gorgeous sunset.

C said...

Beautiful sunset. I'm glad they both healed well.

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