Sunday, September 1, 2024

10 Days In

It has only been 10 days since I decided to start conditioning Hugo for a possible limited distance endurance ride, but I can already see some changes. One thing that has not changed is how long it takes to catch him.  He still runs around in the barn for 10-15 minutes before he decides to stop and stand still.  I just count that toward getting him in shape. 
Today I went to the outdoor arena to work.  I have been doing some hill work but flat work is good too.  The area where the ride will be in South Carolina is pretty flat. 
But first, in order to be able to use the arena, we had to move the cattle out.   It turns out Hugo isn’t bothered by cattle antics. 
He is not much of a looker, but I think you can already see an improvement.  The picture on the left was August 24th and the right was today, September 1 st.



C said...

A bit frustrating on the running around before being caught. Maybe as the training regime continues that will improve. Fingers crossed.

Shirley said...

He is looking better!

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