Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Equine Challenge Day One

There is this challenge going around on Facebook.  I thought I was staying well out of it until I got nominated by someone at work.  Here's the challenge, 

I was nominated for the ten-day equestrian challenge. This is 1/10
Everyday I select an image from a day in the life of horses that have had an impact on me and post it without a single explanation and nominate one other person to take the challenge.
That’s ten days,
10 equestrian photos
and 0 explanations.
The madness is ending with me as I am not nominating anyone else (unless you want me to them by all means, let me know)
Since this is my blog and not facebook, I will add my explanation.
My first blue ribbon at the Newport Fair on Sammy. (1973 or 1974 not sure)  Sammy was an amazing horse, a lot like Hank.  He was game to try anything you asked of him as long as it didn't include deep water.  I learned how to ride, sit the roughest trot and get on a 15.2 hand horse when I was 8.  He would put his heart into everything, western pleasure, equitation, bareback, hunter under saddle, jumping, trail class, barrel racing, pole bending, western riding,  showmanship, command class, western riding, competitive trail riding... If I asked, he tried.  He wasn't much to look at but he had a heart of gold.  


C said...

I'm so glad you are providing an explanation. Really great post (that is a very cute picture) - I predict L will really appreciate this particular post. I look forward to more in this series.

Shirley said...

Those are the best kid's horses!

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