Friday, January 3, 2025

A Fancy Day

Today Sadie wanted to do a craft.  So we went upstairs to see what caught our eye.  At first she wanted to make a Christmas ornament.  But when I said Valentines Day was next she decided on a heart.  She picked  out the color felt and I cut out the heart.  Then she thought the ribbon of sequins would be pretty.  I showed her how to do it and with some help we got that sewn on.

 Then she wanted more sequins on the inside.  She already knew how to do that from a Christmas tree we had done before.  

I still had to help but she has a lot of patience for a just turned 4 year old.
I think it turned out spectacular.  
When it was snack time Sadie said we should have a real tea party.  There is a book series she likes called Fancy Nancy.  So I tried to make it fancy.  We had pretty glass plates, fancy glasses and I even played fancy music, Greatest Hits of the 1720’s.

It was a special and fancy day.

1 comment:

C said...

Wow wow wow! Sadie is amazing. I think many adults would be happy to do so well. What a spectacular heart decoration!

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