Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Bull Rodeo

Our Hereford bull started limping 5 days after being turned out with the heifers. Joe wanted to get him up to treat then turn back out. The bull was not that interested in leaving the heifers. 
We were finally able to get him into Hugo’s lot. Hugo was pretty excited about that. 

 The bull went every direction except where we wanted.
Success finally.  After a big dose of LA200 (long acting antibiotic) getting him back to the heifers was no problem. The next day he was walking fine.   Joe is always frustrated that after researching pedigrees and EPDs, paying thousands, then feeding it all winter something always happens to them shortly after turning them out with the cows.  If it’s not limping it’s an eye problem or a breeding injury. It is always something. 


C said...

Very frustrating. But it sounds like your bull is willing to work through it.

Shirley said...

Haha I know how frustrating it is to move a bull who only has the ladies on his mind. Good job getting it done!

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