Tuesday, June 18, 2024


When Joe and I went for a walk on the beach last night, we passed a man that had just hooked something surf fishing.  He had some heavy duty equipment.  The line was running out and he put on a harness like captain Quint on Jaws was strapped into.  He commented to his partner, “it’s not something small.”  As much line as we saw run out we thought it would be awhile before he got it reeled in so we kept walking.  When we came back we saw this…

He had caught a shark.  

 There was a group of kids around wanting their picture taken with it.
Afterwards, he released it back to the ocean.  Just remember that next time you are swimming out there. 

I managed to get up early enough to see the sunrise again, beautiful. 
After that, one more trip down the beach to the pier.  
We are home now and back to the real world.


C said...

Interesting and beautiful post. Picturesque scene description. I wonder what he was using for bait.

Shirley said...

Great photos! Yeah.... no swimming in the ocean for me!

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