J said it is suppose to rain 2 inches tomorrow. We have been enjoying the dry weather, it's nice not having to deal with all of that mud, but the ground could use some moisture.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Two Things
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Getting Ready
Not necessarily for Christmas day but for the Christmas parade. One of the county's Christmas parades is next Sunday. J said he would ride in it with me. I think he will ride Hank and I'll ride E's horse Pep.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
J and I went to another auction on Saturday. They were selling a car but it turned out to be too small for us.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Spot's New Home
Jordyn is being surprised today when she comes home from school to find Spot in their new field.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
When it rains you would think the horses would get washed off, but you would be wrong.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Fresh Mulch
I was able to get a truck load of mulch today. It is always hit or miss with the guys at the sawmill. They don't work any particular schedule so when we find they there we have to jump on it. The only problem is today after 2 weeks of beautiful weather it started to rain. Of course J needs the truck every day so I'm out there in the rain trying to unload it so he can have it back tomorrow. I won't mention that I couldn't get as much mulch this time because there is no tailgate on the truck. I'll just say it wasn't my fault and V doesn't drive the truck so only one driver left.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Work Day
It was time once again yesterday to work the cattle in our fall calving herd. The last 4 to calve all had them within 48 hours.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Fall Yard Work
The weather was beautiful today so I took the opportunity to do some fall yard work. (It beats making more pear sauce, only 2 buckets left.)
The sun was setting when I finished (ok, so I rode Hank a little bit first), and the burning bushes were really burning.
I think my back will be killing me tomorrow.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Eagle Eye
Not only does J do an excellent job checking for problems on our farm, he also manages to find problems on other people's farms.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hokie Football
Just got back from a nail biter of a Virginia Tech football game. Hokies won in the last minute beating Georgia Tech 28-21. They held on through another GT possession and intercepted a pass in the end zone with seconds left. Some friends with season tickets invited us to go with them. The temperature was in the 40's but with ski pants it was comfortable. The seating is a bit tight in Lane Stadium but since everyone stands up most of the time I guess I doesn't matter that much.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mugo Pine
In the spring Lowe's finally had the dwarf mugo pines I had been wanting.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Turning Out
We got Lady back from J's dad last week. He was headed back to Florida so we are horse sitting for the winter. She had recovered from her laminitis last spring and Frank was able to ride her this summer without any problems.
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