What a beautiful day. After a month of sub zero temperatures, at day in the 60’s was heaven. I tried to spend as much time as possible outside.
I came up with another idea for my yard ornament. This time it is a light globe and it is sitting on another metal lamp part. I am not sure I like the white on white though. Maybe I will try a little art project on the white globe part.
I also took the opportunity to clean out the blue bird houses.
One had 3 old eggs. At least I hope they were old. I haven’t seen much blue bird activity and it is too early for them to be nesting.
One box had a beautiful nest complete with an assortment of pretty feathers.
It was also time to cut out the dead blackberry canes.
And prune the grape vine.
Now I have a big pile of grapevines to deal with.
And let’s not forget Hugo. He has been pretty neglected since my injury. He let me catch him after only about 5 minutes and out in the open.
After some grooming, but no hoof cleaning, I had him do some free lunging. I am sure he would have been fine to ride, but as I said, I didn’t want to overdo.