Friday, January 3, 2025

A Fancy Day

Today Sadie wanted to do a craft.  So we went upstairs to see what caught our eye.  At first she wanted to make a Christmas ornament.  But when I said Valentines Day was next she decided on a heart.  She picked  out the color felt and I cut out the heart.  Then she thought the ribbon of sequins would be pretty.  I showed her how to do it and with some help we got that sewn on.

 Then she wanted more sequins on the inside.  She already knew how to do that from a Christmas tree we had done before.  

I still had to help but she has a lot of patience for a just turned 4 year old.
I think it turned out spectacular.  
When it was snack time Sadie said we should have a real tea party.  There is a book series she likes called Fancy Nancy.  So I tried to make it fancy.  We had pretty glass plates, fancy glasses and I even played fancy music, Greatest Hits of the 1720’s.

It was a special and fancy day.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

New Game

Allie has gone back to day care but Sadie is out of school until Monday so I was going to keep her this afternoon.  But then Sadie wanted to spend the night, yay!  It was pretty cold outside so I invented a new indoor game.
Bad Balloon or Ballon Minton.  Sadie preferred bad balloon.  Hence, there was a lot of ballon spanking. 
I thought it was really good for hand eye coordination.  We managed to not even break anything.
And Joe even got involved. 
Sadie is always concerned about Kit Kat’s happiness.  She is definitely an animal lover.
For supper she wanted a salad and pizza.  But after eating a large salad she said she was too full for the pizza.  We watched a couple of episodes of The Unicorn Academy, took a bath and read a few more chapters of Charlotte’s Web before bedtime.  Now I need to figure out what to do tomorrow. 


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year, Same Job

We celebrated the New Year by weaning the calves at our farm up the road.  
Mike was wonderful to come help.  I pretty much just documented the process and was there as backup.
But Joe and Mike had everything under control.  Mike sorted out the cows and Joe shot the dewormer on them as they went though the gate.

Then the cows were turned out and counted.  Joe said we had the right number.
Then the calves were loaded up and brought back to the house.  My one “job” was to keep the calves from trying to go between the gate and trailer.  It didn’t take much, just putting my stick there.  Since Mike was doing such a good job replacing me, I stayed at the house after the first load and let Joe and Mike finish up the next two loads.   


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