We took the girls and heifers to our first fair. The cattle show we usually go to in the spring is just a cattle show. This time there was a lot more going on.

V washed both heifers while E competed in a
Stockman's Contest. She place 2
nd in the Junior 4-H division.

L just couldn't keep her hands off.

Papa R and Grandma S even came to watch.

V getting ready to go into the show ring. She did really well in showmanship, but I think the judge may have been influenced by the fitting job. The rule book stated clean, dry and UNFITTED. J had clipped the head and neck but we didn't do anything with all the body hair, so they did look a little shaggy. But they were both calm and under control. The girls did well watching the judge and keeping their heifers set up.

E also did well showing her heifer.
After going through the exhibit hall E has decided she could win everything there. They didn't have a cabbage that would compare to our 10 pounders. She was also unimpressed by the sunflowers, glads, cucumbers, beans, onions, house plants. If she remembers to enter next year, we'll be going down with a truckload.
Great update. I like the conclusion with Emily thinking she can win with your produce. Does this mean that you are planting cabage next year?
E wants to for the only purpose of entering it in the fair. But you know they will never be this big again.
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