Just a few loose ends from last week while I was fussing with the phone company.
The puppies are really growing. They are 13 weeks old. We have been leaving them outside at night now. They are really good about staying with the goats, at least with E's two.
Emma is good about only playing with them when we go to the barn with her. She is still top dog but the puppies just about out weigh her.
I gave them their booster shots the other day. I think I will have to spay them before too long. I don't want to wait until they get to be 100 pounds. I have been calling them Bumble, after the Abominable Snowman from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, and Bea, from Andy Griffith. J on the other hand has been referring to them as Sugar and Honey, Mama's suggestion.
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