Thursday, June 19, 2014

Good Fences #13

This is a different angle than most see this fence from. 

 It is the other side of the driveway on some land that we rent.
I love the curve in the fence.
For more Good Fences click HERE.


FAB said...

I like the composition from this low angle.

TexWisGirl said...

nice curve! i agree!

thanks for linking!

ellen b. said...

Great shot perspective for this fence! Have a great weekend. My niece is into reigning (is that the right term and spelling?) She rides in different competitions, etc.

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool. Great POV.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh I love your post. I am so happy your joined Good Fences. I love your blog. I am following.
I am a empty nester...Kids and horses! LOL. So I love it when I find horse people. Please come by and visit you might enjoy some of my posts. My daughter still rides and teaches too. My grandson 6 year old started showing this year in lead line.
Thanks for sharing. I'll be back.
Have a wonderful Friday.

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