Thursday, September 11, 2014

Good Fences #25

It is my contention that the best fence pictures include a horse.  (There's a fence back there, see the posts?)
 Or in the absence of a horse you might could get by substituting a cat. 
E is working hard getting Pep ready for the State 4-H Horse Show this weekend.  We had a little scare Tuesday when Pep looked slightly off at the jog.  But yesterday and this morning she looks ok.  So we leave after lunch for the big show.  Pep will transform from the wild pony look to the sleek show horse in a matter of hours.  Check back Monday for the results.

And Kit, well he needs no transformation.  He is perfect as is.  (Bonus Kit Kat picture since I missed Just Kit Sunday this week)

For more Good Fences click HERE.


TexWisGirl said...

love BOTH of your models - and your view! good luck with the show!!! thank you for sharing these!

EG CameraGirl said...

Animals can improve many photos. ;))

Anonymous said...

oh these pictures are magnificent with the animals. The fences are secondary. Ha-ha. ( Kidding)

Anonymous said...

I am not much of a horse person but cats, oh yeah! Sinbad agrees.

21 Wits said...

Mine too! Beautiful greenery works for me too, but as always the horse and kitty win for best capture!

LV said...

The horse is a very nice looking fellow. I have never been on one but enjoy horse races. Never have been a cat person.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

I think all the best pictures should have a horse, or a cat!

CDH said...

I agree. A horse, cat, cow or dog makes a fence more better?! :)

Ida said...

Both Cat and Horse look mighty fine with the fences behind them.

doodles n daydreams said...

Great models to go with your fences.


Rose said...

I am with you on a fence needing the feature of a horse, or cow, or cat...just some sign of life. But horses are always a favorite.

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