Well, after a bit of an absence I'm back. V, E and me and two of my sisters took a cruise around the southern Caribbean for 8 days but as all good things it came to an end. There were just a few problems with the trip, the first being J didn't go with us. He didn't want to get on a boat and he was concerned about being able to get someone to look after the farm for that long.
We had excellent accommodations with a state room that had a balcony. It was very nice to be able to look out at the different ports as we arrived and departed.

The second problem occurred after our first excursion. I had picked to do a trail ride that ended with being able to ride out in the ocean. That was amazing and I had lots of pictures of the ride plus our first day on the ship and the airplane trip through the clouds. Anyway, someone who will remain nameless, but it wasn't me, V or my sisters, picked up all the stuff from our locker and even told me she had my camera. When we got back to the ship, no camera. A frantic trip to the customer service desk and the excursion desk yielded no help. My camera was gone, left on the bus with no hope of recovery.

I was able to take some pictures with my iPad and V and E pitched in with their cell phones but those first two days were lost. E commented that I was acting handycapped without my camera when I kept asking her to take pictures of this and that. Now I just have to get all the way home to figure out how to download her phone pictures to my computer.
1 comment:
Oh no I cant imagine losing my camera, that would be awful! But I do enjoy cruising more so in the winter though. We also have a hard time finding someone to take care of the farm but our neighbors kids help with feeding if we need so that's nice.
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