Sunday, March 2, 2025

Couponing #89

I may have gotten a little crazy on the Dollar General Clearance Event this weekend.  
I was just wanting the unicorn slumber bags and a few other things.  I had a $2 off $10 birthday coupon that I used Friday and only spent about $1.50.  But then when I went in on Saturday morning for the $5 off $25 things went haywire.  
These are the non coupon items that I mostly paid for; they were half off clearance.  I just couldn't pass up the unicorns.  
These were the things with coupons that all ended up being mostly free.  
The problem was the laundry detergent on Saturday morning.  I had seen where the detergent wasn't ringing up half off but some managers were manually discounting it.  On Friday, my store didn't have any of it pulled off the shelves.  I wasn't even considering trying to get any plus the manager wasn't there anyway.  Then, Saturday morning, the manager was there and pulling buggies full of detergent to put with the clearance.  She had seen where other managers were marking it down so she asked her supervisor who said, "do it."  I ended up getting about $100 of Gain and Tide for $15.  I was also helping the staff try to get the best deals.   I probably could have done better with some planning but I am taking it as a win.  

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