Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Two Ride Day

We have had beautiful weather for the last couple of days.  I decided to take my second ride on Otoelene this morning while Joe was still around. 
Things went very well.  
I ended up increasing my ride time to 15 minutes. I still worry about quick or sudden movements.  My back still notices those things.  Then I was surprised by Sadie coming over.  Mike was working on our hot water heater and brought Sadie with him.  Apparently, she threw up on the way to school so they kept her home.  She was feeling fine by the time they got to my house.  

After lunch, Unicorn Academy, craft time and Barbies I asked if she wanted to brush a real horse.  She had been getting Nibbles, the Barbie horse ready for a show.  Yes! Was the answer that I got.  So Otoelene made another trip to the barn.  

There was a considerable amount of brushing this time.  We even combed her mane and I was able to hold up the front feet for Sdie to clean them. 

She also wanted to stand on the bucket so she could brush even higher. 
Then it was ride time. Sadie remembered everything.  She walked and trotted on the lunge line, practiced turning, stopping and learned how to back.  She did a great job managing the reins too. 

 And for being such a good horse, Otoelene got a handful of grain. 


C said...
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Firn said...

Good girl, Otoelene <3

LeahLouise said...

Good mare <3 Glad you got to get in the saddle again.

Shirley said...

Pretty soon, Sadie won't need a bucket.
You might want to look into getting a "night latch" strap for your saddle. I put one on mine because of some of the sudden moves Gussie makes. I find I am more confidant having that grab strap available. I also went with the 5 inch bell stirrups, much less chance of losing a stirrup and less pain in my arthritic ankle with all that support. Anything that builds confidence after a wreck!

C said...

Sadie looks so natural around horses.

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