Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Poor Emma

Emma is a known scavenger and on a farm there is always a lot to scavenge.  Sunday we noticed she was not feeling well and doing a lot of unproductive straining.
Thankfully, I have access to after hours emergency services (i.e. me) so J went with me to the clinic and we took a radiograph.  This one was after I got out a big section of rock hard poop full of bone bits and hair.  I couldn't reach the rest so  I had to sedate her yesterday and dig out some more.  I'm hoping today that things will be going through on their own, otherwise it will be another round of sedation and flushing.  I guess we will have to watch more closely what Emma drags into the yard from now on.


EG CameraGirl said...

EW! I hope Emma chooses better what she consumes!

CDH said...

Oh dear! Poor Emma! The things our dogs eat! YUCK!
Hope she gets to feeling better.

Alica said...

If only they could understand why they shouldn't eat anything that looks (??!) good! Glad you could help her out...saved a big vet bill! :)

Alica said...

(You do know I'm just giving you a hard time about the "big vet bill"...I hope! :)

4RRanch said...

No offence taken, thanks for commenting.

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