Thursday, February 27, 2025

Four Followups

1- I tried the detangler knot away on Otoelene’s  tail yesterday.   This time I misted it slightly so I didn’t have to use as much.   It worked perfectly. 

I got it combed out in half the time with only a fraction on the broken hairs that I usually get. 
2 -  I added three more birds the my flock.  
These two are from the same fabric just different placement on the fabric pattern. 
3 - The stabbed goat will be heading to his new home tomorrow. They are thinking of naming him Spike.
4 - No picture but I had my back check up today.  Everything looked good and I was released from care. I was told to take things slow and maybe hold off on horseback riding for a little longer.  He also recommended that I not run out and start lifting 30+ pounds. So I still won’t be able to help Joe as much as I would like and sadly still  won’t be able to pick up Allie and Sadie for a bit longer. But I can stop wearing the back brace. 
I’m going with 4 follow-up wins! 

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