Sadie and Allie came over Saturday evening to spend the night. I thought it would be a nice time to have a slumber party with their new unicorn sleep matts. The only problem was that there was too much party and too little slumbering. After multiple rearrangements of blanket, pillows, stuffies, rooms and room mates, they finally went to sleep on the bed in Virginia's old room while I stayed in Emily's old room. It was after 1 am before they were asleep. Granted, the wind was blowing at 50 mph and it sounded like parts of the house could come off. But then they were up at 6:30! I let Joe entertain them for an hour while I rested in my own bed. Then it was time for Mimi fun.
I had planned a string art craft that I had seen on Pinterest. Sadie was excited to work on it. Allie, not so much. Sadie worked and concentrated on hers while Allie wanted to go downstairs and play with balloons.
I think it turned out spectacular. Another Pinterest win.
Anticipation of the balloon returning.
Consequence of the balloon hitting a spiky plant.
Of course we had to have a tea party. Since I wouldn't let Allie use the fancy dishes yet, we used a table cloth and bunny figurines as a centerpiece to fancy things up.
Kit Kat joined us for our flower picking journey.
Allie was still not sure she wanted to be too close to him.
There was some tricycle riding before going back inside for flower arranging.
After playing dress up we went back out to check on Draper.
Sadie is still in love with the horses.
And even though they are princesses,
they are not afraid to put on their boots and go to work.
Not the most practical barn attire but it is certainly pretty.
Anticipation of the balloon returning.
Consequence of the balloon hitting a spiky plant.
Of course we had to have a tea party. Since I wouldn't let Allie use the fancy dishes yet, we used a table cloth and bunny figurines as a centerpiece to fancy things up.
Kit Kat joined us for our flower picking journey.
Allie was still not sure she wanted to be too close to him.
There was some tricycle riding before going back inside for flower arranging.
Sadie is still in love with the horses.
And even though they are princesses,
they are not afraid to put on their boots and go to work.
Not the most practical barn attire but it is certainly pretty.
Let's hear it for princesses in boots!
What a grand time!!
I mean, don't we all put on boots and feed the critters in our church dresses?!
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