V was one of 100 Jr. and Sr. high school students from across the state accepted into the summer Agriculture Governor's School program at Virginia Tech. There are 5 other programs at different universities; Humanities, Performing Arts, Math/Science/Technology, Marine Science, and Life Science/Medicine. We moved her into the dorm yesterday. She will be there for 4 weeks.
E's comment to all that V had packed was "this is ridiculous."
Luckily, all of her luggage had wheels.
Her roommate never showed up during the check-in so V had her choice of bed and desk.

The orientation took nearly 2 hours with 1 1/2 hours being parent questions. "Will they be able to get a shirt pressed?" Will you celebrate Independence Day?" Will they need poster board for their project?" Will cell phones be allowed?" Will they be able to see the Harry Potter movie?" J got so frustrated with the questions he finally had to leave. These poor kids seem to never have been let loose it the world. Apparently, they have no experience with agriculture either. This is part of an e-mail we got from V today. "I think I am one of the only people here who even has a clue about agriculture. Lots of people don't even know what a steer is or why you would castrate a bull. They had no idea why I would lead one around in a ring. I was telling one guy that I lived on a 300 acre farm and he asked who mowed it. I thought he meant the yard but he was thinking you would mow the whole thing with a lawn mower. He was fascinated at the idea of riding a tractor and making hay. I don't think he even knew what hay was." If this is the future of agriculture we're in trouble.
Congrats to V.
It sounds like some of those kids just applied.....to add it to the resume or because maybe it didn't cost anything, or nothing better to do.
Should be an educational experience for some in more ways than one! I nannied back East for a while - the kids I took care of started off convinced that brown cows gave chocolate milk... of course, they were pretty young at that point, but the mind kind of boggles after a while. Hope V has a wonderful time!
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