Saturday, September 4, 2021

Hard Fall

I might have bragged too soon on Draper.  I rode her this morning, everything was going fine in the barn, walk, trot, canter both ways, trot over poles, usual stuff.  I then took her to the field below the barn, she was acting a little uppity so I though I would trot her around up and down the hills to get some of the spunk out of her.  Usually, if she gets to fast I can pull her around and she calms down immediately.  But today, after 4 or 5 passes back and forth trotting, she just went full bore took off cantering and bucking.  I thought I might could ride it out until I could stop her but no luck,   
superman dived off the side.  (the jeans were already torn).  Glad I had my helmet on as usual.  I laid there for a bit to take stock of my possible injuries and decided nothing was too bad.  I hiked across the field, caught Draper and took her back to the barn where I let her run loose until she was pretty much out of breath.  I got back on, walk, trotted and cantered, then working on the ground dropping milk jugs off her side so stuff falling off her wouldn't spook her.  
My only injury I think is a bad sprained left thumb.  Two Aleve and an ice pack have helped.  Now I have to rebuild my trust. 


Shirley said...

What the heck Draper?
I hate it when that happens. It takes so long to rebuild trust with a horse- (the horse gets over t before I do) I usually sell them with full disclosure as I am getting too old to deal with punk kid horses.
Glad you weren't too badly hurt and kudos to you for getting the job finished.

C said...

Goodness gracious. I'm glad you are ok.

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