Friday, January 12, 2024

A Barn Emergency

The day started out pretty. 

But Joe’s comment was, red sky in morning sailor take warning.  And it wasn’t long before he came back to the house and said there was a problem with the barn. 

As he was walking past the barn to get to the tractor he saw that the far door had come off the track.  I went to look and immediately called the barn builder and said we had a barn emergency.  The door was hanging by one roller and the wind was starting to get fierce.
I checked again after I had talked to the builder and things had gotten worse.  
The door had blown out further and there was no way to secure it better against the wind.  Normally, the wind comes from the west and blows against this door from the outside.  But this morning it was coming from the East much harder than usual.
And then it was down.
I called back and said it wasn’t so much of an emergency anymore.  But he said he was coming this way anyway to see about another job and would stop to see what we needed.
I was very surprised that with the wind they decided to work on the door anyway.
And after some repairs and with Joe’s help, they were able to get the door back up.  The builder said he had his doubts too, but it worked.
Then after a few more adjustments, the door was up and working.  Bet you don’t hear about a barn emergency too often.


Shirley said...

Boy they are brave getting up on a ladder in the wind! Glad they got it fixed though.

C said...

I was worried at the start of this post. How fortunate that the people who could fix it were so close by and willing to stop.

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