Saturday, September 21, 2024

Allie Saturday

Mike, Virginia and Joe went to a South Poll cattle field day in Appomattox today.  Virginia asked the girls where they wanted to go.  Sadie picked the field day and Allie picked Mimi!  I ended up taking Joe to their house at 5:30.  They all left and  I stayed until Allie woke up at 7:15.  I brought her to the house for breakfast.
Then we went to the barn for morning chores.
She was only willing to hold the bottle as long as there was no possibility of the calf actually touching her.  The funny thing was that she did go into the pen with Lucy but Lucy was terrified of Allie and just started to run around like crazy. Allie noted that Lucy was very small.  
After a trip to Dollar General, we went to Lowe’s for the kids workshop.  My thumb may never be the same after helping Allie hammer those nails.  And she got a pumpkin to bring home and color.  We passed by the Halloween display…
And she sat down like it was going to be a show.
I had to go press the demo buttons on everything for her to watch.  So I guess it was a show after all.
Next, we stopped by Little Caesars and carried our lunch to the park.
Allie had lots of fun on the playground. 
I liked the double swing.  I could swing too and not have to push.  Then it was back home with only a short nap, some playing then evening chores.  Then back in the car for an hour drive to a wedding reception.  Virginia and Mike were going to drop off Joe and pick up Allie.  Allie enjoyed the meal and then wanted to dance.  Then she said she wanted cake so I got two pieces.  But back at the table she only wanted the candy that was on the table so I had to eat both pieces of cake.  Poor me.  When Joe got there we but Allie in the truck and she started crying that she wanted to be in Mimi’s car. Virginia said she screamed all the way home for me.  Looks like I really know how to spoil her.

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