Friday, September 6, 2024

Another Tiny One

Our fall cows are calving now.   Last week when he was checking, Joe found a cow that had calved and only had one tiny calf. He never found a twin. The first couple of days everything looked ok but then the calf started getting weak. It looked like the cow didn’t have any milk.  
So he ended up putting the calf in a sack and bringing it home. 
She might weigh 30 pounds. 
She has been drinking from a bottle ok but probably didn’t get adequate colostrum. The next day after getting here she started limping. I started her on an antibiotic to treat joint ill and she has improved. She has a long way to go before she gets a name. 



Shirley said...

Awww what a rough start for her!

C said...

Joe is a hero (and you too). I hope the poor little thing keeps improving.

C said...

Every time I scroll by this little calf in the bag, I hope it is doing well. I've never seen a calf put in a bag but it seems like a clever solution for keeping it contained and calm.

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